About Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty involving the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body.

It can be divided into two main categories: reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. While reconstructive surgery aims to reconstruct a part of the body or improve its functioning, cosmetic (or aesthetic) surgery aims at improving the appearance of it.

The word plastic in plastic surgery means “reshaping” and comes from the Greek πλαστική (τέχνη), plastikē (tekhnē), “the art of modelling” of malleable flesh.

The oldest-known procedures appear in an ancient Egyptian medical text called the “Edwin Smith Papyrus” Thought to be an early trauma surgery textbook (and named after the American Egyptologist who purchased it in 1862), the treatise contains detailed case studies for a variety of injuries and diagnoses.

As well as showing how the Egyptians treated wounds and bone fractures, the papyrus revealed a suggested fix for nasal injuries: manipulating the nose into the desired position before using wooden splints, lint, swabs and linen plugs to hold it in place. The Egyptians occasionally used prosthetics, too: In 2000, an ancient mummy was found to have a prosthetic toe that may have aided the woman’s walking, according to researchers who tested replicas of the toe on modern-day volunteers.

From Ancient Egypt to Beverly Hills: A brief history of plastic surgery
Oscar Holland, CNN. Retrieved 3 October 2021.

About Me


Alriyadh, Saudi Arabia

General Grade

Al Orman Schools, Giza, Egypt


Cairo University, Egypt

House Officer

Kasr Al-ainy Hospital,
Cairo, Egypt

Plastic Surgeon

Nasser Institute Hospital,
Egyptian Ministry of health,
Cairo, Egypt

Plastic Surgeon

Al-Manial Specialized Hospital,
Cairo University,

Plastic Surgeon

Cairo University,
Professor: "Taher Ismail" Unit,

Assistant Specialist

Nasser institute Hospital,
Plastic Surgery & Laser Department,
Egyptian Ministry of health,
Cairo, Egypt

ESPRS Membership

Egyptian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons

Master Degree of General Surgery

Plastic Surgery Thesis in Adult Brachial Plexus Injuries.
Cairo University, Egypt

Vice Chief

Nasser institute Hospital,
Plastic Surgery & Laser Department,
Egyptian Ministry of health,
Cairo, Egypt

EBGS Membership

Egyptian Board of General Surgery,
Cairo, Egypt

Senior Specialist

Nasser Institute Hospital,
Egyptian Ministry of health,
Cairo, Egypt

ASCDL Membership

Afro-Asian Society for Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser.
Master Course of the Society.

Consultant C

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery,
The Egyptian Medical Syndicate,
Cairo, Egypt

M.D. in Plastic Surgery

Kasr Alainy Medical School, Cairo University, Egypt.
Thesis in Breast Reconstruction post-mastectomy.

Consultant A

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery,
The Egyptian Medical Syndicate,
Cairo, Egypt