Frequently Asked Question
How many people undergo cosmetic surgery each year?
Over 13.1 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed in the United States in 2010, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This is a 5% increase from 2009.
Is surgery performed under general or local anesthesia?
Depending upon what is most appropriate for your particular situation, the surgeon will decide what type of anesthesia to use and will answer any questions you have.
Do you perform tumescent liposuction?
Yes, tumescent liposuction, a new technique that results in less bruising, less swelling and a quicker recovery than older traditional methods of liposuction, is routinely performed at the clinic / hospital.
Tumescent liposuction uses a larger volume of infiltration fluid to cause intense constriction of the small blood vessels, which leads to less bleeding, less bruising and less swelling.
Tumescent liposuction uses a larger volume of infiltration fluid to cause intense constriction of the small blood vessels, which leads to less bleeding, less bruising and less swelling.
If a patient has a heart condition, is plastic surgery with general anesthesia safe?
It depends upon the patient’s disease and current medications. Talk to your plastic surgeon about your specific situation.
Does a person's voice change after rhinoplasty (nose surgery)?
A few patients notice small change in their voice after rhinoplasty but this is uncommon. Professionals who rely on their voice, such as singers, should share any concerns with their surgeon, however, because the nose does play a role in how we sound.
How do I know what size breast implant is right for me?
The decision is based on a number of factors, including the patient’s desires, reasons for the surgery and overall health.
For example, are you doing it because you feel your breasts are too small relative to your body contour or are you unhappy with the size and firmness of your breasts following pregnancy, breastfeeding or major weight loss? Unevenness between the breasts can also be a motivating factor. Your surgeon can help you make the right decision during your pre-surgical appointments.
What is the recovery from cosmetic surgery like?
Each patient tolerates pain after surgery in different ways. Your surgeon will prescribe the appropriate pain medications to help minimize any discomfort. In general, most facial cosmetic operations have minimal discomfort post-operatively. Liposuction is slightly more uncomfortable, and operations that require elevation or tightening of the muscles-such as an abdominoplasty or breast augmentation can cause discomfort equal to a C-section.
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